Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Paris continued

(I found this in my blogs drafts! Unfortunately I couldn't find anything else I had written.)

Right... sorry about the delayed continuation. I am currently in Uganda and I'm finding myself a bit behind due to... well me being lazy. Shocking, I know.

After Camp and my Dad arrived at 1, I found myself felling feverish and ill, a coincidence I assure you. Drinking hot tea and falling asleep right after made me feel better. The next morning we left early, much to my dismay. A quick pack-up and a rush to the train station to reserve tickets left us enough time to go to the Louvre. It was very cool, overwhelming large, and a terrible place for lost fathers who need a bathroom. Camp liked the statues of people dying and the ones of people in immense pain, I enjoyed the Italian art work and the greek and roman statues, my dad liked the bathrooms and everything else. After the Louvre we went to the park outside it, ate lunch and talked for about 2 hours about anything interesting that we could think of. I also practiced hitting Camp on the head with a Orangina bottle. (For those of you who don't know what that is, Orangina is carbonated orange juice, that you should never feed to 15-year-olds by the name of Camp.) After lunch we headed to the train station, boarded the train, entertained (or maybe it should be entertrained) ourself, and slept till we arrived in Florence.

This happened on the 7 of September.
This was written on the 24 of September and posted on the 2 of February.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Continuation of HCP now commencing

I am now putting together emails, journal entrees, and papers to complete my blog. Although I am not in Africa any longer, I figured I might as well try. I'm sorry for failing miserably, I hope my future entrees make up for it. The date is 1-8-10.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


First, I'm sorry I've fail my blog.
Second, I have actually posted the continuation of Paris, Italy and Nice, but for some exasperatingly annoying reason it didn't actually post!! I felt apoigetic enough failing the Africa part,but it didn't even post most of Europe. What's also weird is that I remember seeing all of the posts up at one time. TACO BLOG!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Paris 4th-8th


Despite not knowing the word for 'bathroom', my few words in French came in very useful. (Hello, good-bye, cat, dog, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,910, boy, girl, strawberry, etc ) The French are not rude, but tend to exasperate easily with tourists. We went to find a friend of my aunt's apartment, where we were dropping of gear we wouldn't need in the rest of Europe. Her name was Estille, (still is Estille, I think.) She is very nice and speaks English better than most Americans. We figured out the Metro after going backwards and forwards on it a few times. I got on for the first time not knowing what a Metro was and still contemplating the idea of public transport. A sharp "Hold on!" from my dad came to late as the Metro started and I flew across the floor receiving many 'Tourist' looks from the locals. After falling down a few more times, I finally got it and was able to lower the amount of 'tourist' looks. After finding the apartment we were able to drop off our stuff and head to the Montgomery's where we were greeted like old friends. The next day we (Phillips/Montgomery trio) went to a medieval history museum, the Noter Dam, Arch de Triumph, and the Eiffle Tower. We went to a park out side the Noter Dam, and discovered a very spiny playground toy, a lop-sided circle on a stick. There were a great deal of French children playing on it. We waited patently for out turn, which only arrived after Jacob helped the children to spin a little faster. That concluding in one five-year-old after another flying off the toy, and landing about six feet away. After a short wave of sympathy, Katie, Maddie, Jacob, Ellie and myself, ( 14,13,10,5, and 13) jumped obligingly on, proceeding to make our selfs sick.

At 9-ish pm, the older group, (Camp, Katie, Maddie and I,) lead by Darin, hiked up to the second story of the Eiffle Tower. It was very pretty and we had a great view of Paris at night. Maddie lamed herself by an attempted kick at someone I will fail to mention. She was very lame until she remembered that ice cream was waiting back at the apartment. Getting back at 2 am, we fell asleep immediately. The next day, Darin and Camp woke up early and went to Napoleon's tomb and a military museum. "Very ornate and huge for such a short man" - Darin. Meanwhile, Daisy accompanied the Montgomery's on a walk and a boat ride down the Seine. The boat ride was nice, but the three Nunjas (referring to a group of talented battle nuns) were asleep on their feet half the time. Getting back at six pm, we proceeded to relax and watch Gostbusters. Camp and Darin arrived at around 1 am, nearly completely asleep already.

Paris documentation to be continued . . . .

Hiedelberg 3rd-4th

The most fun in Germany was watching all the people. Most of them have very big noses and are plump-ish or tall. On the flight there we had a very romantic French couple in front of us. They were very irritating and made it hard to sleep. The plain had a TV on it, we watched Startreck, Faulty Towers, the Office and some of Monsters-vs-Alians. Old Town Hiedelberg was very pretty, but incredibly touristy. The weather was cloudy, but hot. We slept in a hostel that had the theme of 'Woodland Trails,' it had a picture of Yosemite Falls on it. Had no idea it was that well known. The castle in Hiedelberg was very cool, had a great view of the city and was enormous. I have no idea what it was called. Camp played professor and explained all the defensive tactics of the castle. Germans are reserved, polite and enjoy being as helpful as possible. I hit at least 10 of them in the stomach with my 2 foot wide back-pack and none of them hit me back with a pretzel or anything. I had large bruises on my shoulders from my back-ack the first day, but I am now super buff and can carry it anywhere. . . maybe. Jet lag was very annoying, but like my back-pack I have now conquered it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

In a hotel in San Francisco

We are in a hotel in San Francisco. We are waking up at 5 in the morning to go to the airport. . . the best part of the whole trip., yes! Judith was very sad at departure, very sweet and pathetic. I nearly cried, but I let her flood the room for us. Will miss everybody, looking forward to the flight.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Leaving tomorrow!

Hey everyone, we are leaving tomorrow (Tues) for San Francisco where our plan takes off. My dad was reviewing the notes he made and realized that our plane left at 8am instead of 8pm on Wednesday. We're doing a ton of packing, unpacking, repacking , re-unpacking and packing again. Getting all the shampoo and stuff out from one bottle to a tiny one was a lot of fun because it kept exploding everywhere. Everything is okay so far, but my Dad has been very stressed and has started wandering aimlessly around muttering to himself. He does that normally anyway, but he's been walking into walls and stuff.